Admission is FREE to join us for some fall fun at this year’s Costume Dance Party!
Students are encouraged to wear their costumes (age-appropriate and not too scary please!) and come enjoy a fun and festive afternoon with their friends! There will also be tables for parents to sit and visit,* as well as games and craft activities for kids who may need a dance break.
Music will be provided by Bach to Rock.
Concessions (snacks/drinks $1 each) and Vocelli’s Pizza ($2 per slice) will be available for purchase during
the event. No pre-order necessary.
*Note: this is NOT a drop-off event. Parents must remain on-site with their child(ren).
Have fun and give back! Each year at this time we organize a collection for others. We will be collecting new and slightly used child-sized hoodies and coats during this event for our *HOODIE/COAT DRIVE* benefitting another local elementary school in need. As you clean out your closets, please consider donating children/youth size new or gently used items.